The latest novelty from REDAT is a portable professional use device capable of testing solenoids and piezo of diesel injectors much faster and more effectively.

ISP Tester is the machine Made in Italy designed by REDAT to speed up and facilitate the work of checking the state of solenoids and piezo elements. With a few simple steps, it will be possible for the operator to evaluate the correct functioning of the tested devices, or to detect any malfunctions and then immediately proceed to replace the part with a working spare. Pressing the test button, a green or red light will come on depending on whether all the tests required for that type of solenoid or piezo are passed or one or more have failed.

The solenoid and piezo tester designed by REDAT is still in the prototype phase, but production will begin shortly; in the meantime, the first working example was presented a few months ago during the Automechanika Istanbul fair and received particular interest among industry experts.

"This tester was created to simplify and speed up work in our workshop," explained Daniele Sapino, head of the Export Department, "in particular to speed up and at the same time improve the verification of 'closed' elements such as solenoids and piezo. With this machine, many units can be tested in a short time with the guarantee of reliable feedback. It will be a breakthrough in terms of efficiency and productivity for REDAT workshop operators who, thanks to this machine, will be able to test many more components, saving time."

The portable ISP Tester will therefore allow better and more reliable work to be carried out in less time. To date, the tester is aimed at Caterpillar-Perkins, Siemens VDO, Bosch, and Delphi injectors and can diagnose solenoids and piezo of numerous models of diesel injectors from these brands.

Inside the portable case, which acts as a tester and operates on batteries, there is a quick guide to using the machine with schematic instructions, while the Technical Manual is being finalized.


1. How to check the functioning of the solenoid with ISP Tester

To test the conditions of the solenoids and identify any malfunctions, REDAT's ISP Tester quickly diagnoses all the component's functions, providing clear and reliable feedback. Let's see in detail how the ISP Tester works and the correct procedure to follow:

To begin with, the corresponding template for the solenoid to be tested is inserted (currently, REDAT's ISP Tester can analyze multiple models of Caterpillar-Perkins, Bosch, Delphi, and Siemens VDO solenoids). The template will allow the device to be correctly aligned in the tester. Next, the solenoid is inserted into the template so that it is stably and precisely positioned within the tester without the possibility of movement. Then, the appropriate cable is inserted into the solenoid, which acts as an electrical connection between the tester and the device under examination. At this point, the TYPE SELECT selector is turned to the number corresponding to the inserted template, so the tester can recognize the type of solenoid being tested and proceed with the most appropriate analysis. Finally, simply briefly press the TEST button: if the light that comes on is green, the test is passed; if it turns red, the solenoid has failed the check and must be replaced with a suitable and working spare part, like those produced by REDAT for the best diesel injector brands.

2. How to check the functioning of piezo elements with ISP Tester

To test the correct functioning of a piezo with REDAT's ISP Tester, the procedure is the same:

First, it is necessary to connect the piezo to the tester's cable. This allows an electrical connection to be established between the device and the testing instrument. Next, the TYPE SELECT knob must be turned to position 7, the setting indicating to the tester that the device under examination is a piezo. Finally, just press the TEST button for a moment: if the light turns green, the piezo is perfectly functioning; if the red light comes on, it means that one or more tests required for that type of piezo have failed, and therefore the device must be replaced with a suitable new spare part.

Watch the ISP Tester REDAT presentation video on our YouTube channel:

The new ISP Tester developed by REDAT will have a significant impact on the work of workshop operators because it will allow quick but more reliable checks, and above all potentially on all the devices entrusted to the workshop, thanks to the very rapid times to perform the diagnosis.

This machine, entirely designed and produced in Italy, will soon optimize the verification activity of solenoids and piezo of Caterpillar-Perkins, Siemens VDO, Bosch, and Delphi diesel injectors.